Afra Nickl


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Intellectual property is my passion. Working together with our large and highly specialized team at SKW Schwarz, I can provide clients with ideal and comprehensive advice.

Afra Nickl provides comprehensive advice on intellectual property and competition law, particularly in the areas of trademark, design and patent law. She predominantly accompanies infringement proceedings. Another focus of her work is in the healthcare & life sciences sector. Here she advises companies on issues such as drug advertising law, healthcare compliance, drafting contracts for cooperation agreements and pharmaceutical and medical device law. She also has expertise in the areas of product regulation, product labeling, product safety and product liability.

  • Studied law at the University of Augsburg
  • Legal clerkship in Karlsruhe
  • With SKW Schwarz since 2024
  • Admitted to the Munich Bar Association

June 13, 2024:
MedTech & AI, The interplay of regulation, AI and data protection in medical technology

  • ChatGPT as a legal service provider? MMR Journal for IT Law and Digitalization Law, 15th May 2023
  • Three years of GeschGehG - A case law overview, Kommunikation & Recht, First June 2022, with Dr. Simon Apel
  • The interplay of regulation, AI and data protection in medical technology - 20 questions and answers, with Dr. Oliver Stöckel, Marius Drabiniok, Fabian Bauer