Dr. Andreas Peschel-Mehner


With my heart in TV and the movies, and starting out as a lawyer in 1996 at the same time as the internet, digital business and media was a hit for me.

Dr. Andreas Peschel-Mehner has provided legal counsel to all forms of digital business since the inception of the world wide web. His advisory spans start-ups, multi-channel offerings and international internet companies and focuses on all applicable legal fields with a particular emphasis on data protection and usage, terms and conditions, consumer protection, compliance, advertising, gaming and competition law, among numerous others. Dr. Andreas Peschel-Mehner also commands broad expertise in media and entertainment law, in particular issues touching on the film and television industry and those related to media production finance and the global exploitation thereof, with digital media advisory on changes to utilization models, revenue streams and video on demand platforms composing a significant part of his counsel. 

An excerpt of the projects Dr. Andreas Peschel-Mehner has accompanied can be found on the Internet Movie Database IMDb. His advisory expertise is augmented by decades of involvement with and counsel of national and international computer game publishers and studios. Finally, developments and use of KI technologies across all his expert areas has become a strategic element of his practice.

  • 1987-1992 Studied law at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
  • 1992-1995 Research assistant at the Max-Planck-Institute for Intellectual Property Law, Munich 
  • Since 1996 with SKW Schwarz

Lexology Index Germany 2025
world’s leading practitioner in the category Data

Chambers Germany 2025                                      

Recommended Lawyer in the category „TMT: Media“

Chambers Europe 2022-2023
Recommended lawyer in the category "Media"
"He regularly advises on film productions, music law and youth protection issues as well as the establishment of new media platforms." (2023)
"He knows when to speed things up and when to calm situations, and is very good at regulating these things." (2022)

Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers: Germany's best lawyers 2018–2024
Recommended lawyer in the category "Media: Gaming" (2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Media: Digital Content" (2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information Technology: Information Technology and Digitalization" (2023-2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information Technology: Data Protection" (2023-2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information Technology: IT Transactions and Outsourcing" (2023-2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information Technology and Digitalization" (2022)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Media - Entertainment" (2018, 2024)
Lawyer of the Year for “Media Law” (2021)
Lawyer of the Year for “Media and Entertainment” (2019, 2022)

JUVE Handbook: Commercial Law Firms 2017–2023/2024
Frequently recommended lawyer in the category "Media: Contract and Copyright Law / Media: Transactions and Financing" (2023/2024)
Frequently recommended lawyer in the category "Contract and Copyright Law/Transactions and Financing” (2020/2021-2022/2023) and "Technology and Media: Information Technology (Contracts/Litigation)” (2017–2021, 2021/2022-2022/2023)
Frequently recommended lawyer in the category “Technology and Media: Media” (2019/2020)
Leading individual in the category “Games” (2017/2018)
Competitor about him: "very experienced, always looks at the bigger picture" (2022/2023)
Competitor about him: "well connected, very trustworthy" (2021/2022)
Client about him: "always competent, practical advice", "always competent and practical" (2020/2021)
Competitor about him: “trust-based collaboration, strong network” (2019/2020)
Quotes of competitors about him: “excellent network, extremely trustworthy and reliable, highly competent and experienced” (2018/2019)

The Legal 500: Germany 2018, 2022
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information Technology: Information Technology and Digitalization" (2023)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information Technology: Data Protection" (2023)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information Technology: IT Transactions and Outsourcing" (2023)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information Technology and Digitalization" (2022)
Recommended lawyer in the category “Media – Entertainment” (2018)
"Andreas Peschel-Mehner is regarded as an 'extremely competent lawyer with a high presence in the local and international media hubs" (2018)

The Legal 500: EMEA 2022, 2024
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information technology: Information technology and digitalisation" (2022/2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Information technology: IT transactions and outsourcing" (2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Media: Entertainment" (2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Medien: Digital Content" (2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Medien: Gaming" (2024)

WWL: Germany – Data – Information Technology 2022
Thought Leader

WWL: Germany – Data – Information Technology 2018 – 2024
Recommended lawyer

WWL: Germany – Data – Data Privacy & Protection 2018 – 2024
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WWL: Germany Telecoms, Media & Entertainment – Telecoms & Media 2018 – 2024
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“Andreas Peschel-Mehner focuses his esteemed practice on supporting clients in developing IT projects. His work has an emphasis on the entertainment and media sectors.” (2020)
“Has built up an impressive media practice earning him a reputation as a leading lawyer in the space.” (2018)
“Highly recommended for his digital business acumen. He is a widely respected source of counsel for clients seeking sophisticated advice.” (2018)
“Andreas Peschel-Mehner is commended for his significant expertise in IT law. He advises a wide range of clients on the full range on a whole host of legal, operational and strategic issues. He is also known for providing top-tier advice in the digital media space.” (2017)

Managing IP (2023)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Notable Practitioners" (2023)

Articles in periodicals

  • „Sports Licensing“, in: The Licensing Journal, 2021, p. 26-28, with