Annett Hartwecker


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Annett Hartwecker is an experienced lawyer and specialist in public procurement law and has been working at the Berlin office since the beginning of 2025. With her extensive expertise in public procurement law, she advises both public clients and bidders on the implementation of and participation in procurement procedures in the areas of construction, supplies and services. Her range of advice includes the legally compliant preparation of tender documents, the strategic planning and implementation of complex tenders and representation in public procurement review proceedings.

In addition to her work in public procurement law, Annett Hartwecker also provides comprehensive advice on public law.

  • Studied law at the University of Rostock
  • Research assistant at the Universities of Greifswald and Hamburg
  • Legal clerkship in Hamburg, Speyer and Frankfurt am Main
  • Worked as a lawyer and in-house lawyer
  • With SKW Schwarz since 2025

Annett Hartwecker is a member of the DVNW (German Public Procurement Network)

Lecturer for qualified procurement consultants at the Ingenieurakademie West

Book contributions:

  • Leinemann, Ralf / Otting, Olaf / Kirch, Thomas / Homann, Oliver (eds.), VgV - UVgO - Kommentar - Kommentierung § 3 VgV (co-author Armin Preussler); §§ 10a, 83 VgV
    Beck publishing house 2024

Essays on public procurement law - current excerpt

  • Hartwecker/Kirch, The current discussion about interim awarding (or urgent awarding!?), VergabeNews issue 1 2024, p. 2 - 5
  • eForms and the rocky road to implementation (not only) in Germany, from 09/10/2023, No. 54606
  • Hartwecker/Kirch, The ex-ante transparency notice - no panacea, VergabeNews issue 9 2023, p. 154 - 158
  • Hartwecker/Kirch, The pitfalls of open house contracts, VergabeNews Issue 5 2023, p. 78 - 82

Decision reviews - current excerpt

  • Slow flight target presentation, VK Bund, decision of 19.09.2022 - VK 2-80/22, VergabeR 5a/2024, p. 660
  • Doubtful trust (OLG Düsseldorf, decision of 12.6.2024 - Verg 36/23), VergabeNavigator 06/2024, p. 16-20
  • Wrong remains wrong (VK Bund, decision of 28.3.2024 - VK 2-25/24), VergabeNavigator 04/2024, p. 20-23
  • New evergreen? German subsidiary with US parent company (VK Bund, decision of 20/06/2023 - VK 2-34/23), from 25/03/2024, No. 55868
  • Secure data protection promise despite US parent company (VK Bund, decision of 13/02/2023 - VK2-114/22), of 05/06/2023, No. 53478