Martin Stück

Martin Stück focuses on the efficient preparation of goal-oriented proposals for solutions, taking into account the legal and economic conditions in close consultation with his clients. They appreciate his analytical handling of the facts and the associated strict and attentive negotiation management. These characteristics also guarantee the successful support of extensive arbitration and litigation proceedings before all German regional and higher regional courts. In addition to his forensic work, Martin Stück mainly advises medium-sized companies in all areas of civil and commercial law with special emphasis on corporate law, private construction law, and commercial tenancy law.
Studies: Gießen
Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers: Germany's best lawyers 2022
Recommended lawyer in the category "Corporate Law"
Kanzleimonitor 2018/2019
Recommended lawyer in the category “Contract Law”
Martin Stück is member of Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V. and Frankfurter Anwaltsverein e.V.
Martin Stück ist Legal Advisory Council Member of Kinderhilfestiftung e.V., Frankfurt am Main.