Dr. Alexander Tegge, EMBA

Senior Associate

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Alexander Tegge advises on all issues relating to asset structuring and national and international succession planning. His practice in inheritance law and inheritance tax law includes the drafting and execution of wills. His clients include wealthy private individuals, family entrepreneurs and family offices as well as foundations.

  • Studied law in Augsburg (2011-2016) and Triesen, FL (doctorate in 2022)
  • Specialist training as a mediator (2019)
  • Postgraduate studies in tax sciences at the University of Münster (EMBA 2022-2024)
  • Admitted to the bar in 2019
  • Worked as a research assistant (2019-2022) and lawyer at the law firm POELLATH (2022-2024)
  • With SKW Schwarz since 2024

Münchner Unternehmenssteuerforum e.V. 

01.02.2025, ZErb 2025, p. 48-54, with Philipp Slabon
“Sunset” of the double general exemption amount? Overview of US estate and gift tax law and consequences of the (possibly) decreasing exemption amount from 2026”


01.05.2024, ZErb 2024, p. 172
Comment on the decision of the BFH, judgment of 26.09.2023 (IX R 13/22) - “On the question of the pro rata acquisition of a property belonging to the estate in the case of acquisition for consideration of a co-heir's share”

26.03.2024, DER BETRIEB Steuerboard
BFH follows tax authorities on the inheritance tax consequences of the so-called “Jastrow clause”, more

01.05.2023, DER BETRIEB Steuerboard
BFH rules on the valuation of sub-quota participation rights, more

23.06.2022, DER BETRIEB Steuerboard
New possibilities in divorce succession law through the needs-based settlement, more