Christoph Meyer

In the area of private clients, Christoph Meyer has special expertise in establishing and managing family foundations, the creation of succession rules for medium-sized companies and high-net-worth individuals, as well as in all matters pertaining to family law, with a focus on more complex asset situations. The drafting of wills, powers of attorney, and marriage contracts also play an important role, with a considerable proportion of cases having international relevance. Should amicable solutions not be achievable, Mr. Meyer advises the clients, with careful strategic and tactical planning, but also with the required readiness to resolve disputes, through possible legal proceedings before civil and financial courts.
Studies: Münster, Munich
Handelsblatt in Kooperation mit Best Lawyers: Germany's Best Lawyers 2022, 2023
Recommended lawyer in the category "Succession Planning and Foundations"
The Legal 500: Germany 2018, 2019
Recommended lawyer in the category “Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation”
WirtschaftsWoche: WiWo Top Law Firms 2020
Highly recommended lawyer in the category “Inheritance Law”