Dr. Niels Witt

Studies: Hamburg
Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers: Germany's best lawyers 2020-2024
Recommended lawyer in the category "Transportation Law"
The Legal 500: Germany 2020-2024
Recommended Lawyer in the category “Trade and Distribution Law: Trade, Distribution, and Logistics” (2020-2024)
“Niels Witt exhibits a high level of expertise and great skill in negotiating with the opposing party.” (2020)
“Niels Witt advises professionally, quickly, and reliably while taking specific requirements into account.” (2020)
The Legal 500: EMEA 2022, 2024
Recommended lawyer in the category "Trade and distribution: Trade" (2022/2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category "Distribution and logistics" (2022/2024)
Dr. Niels Witt is member of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Transportrecht e.V., the Working Group Transportation and Shipping Law / Deutscher Anwaltverein e.V., DVIS – Deutscher Verein für Internationales Seerecht and the German Maritime Arbitration Association (GMAA).
Dr. Niels Weitt is lecturer at Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH).