Markus von Fuchs, LL.M.

Markus von Fuchs advises in intellectual property law, in particular in competition, patent, and trademark law as well as on the protection of know-how. He advises companies on protecting and commercially exploiting intellectual property, for example through licensing, sales, R&D, and cooperation agreements. He also focuses on the judicial and extrajudicial defense of intellectual property rights in interim injunction and principal proceedings. He further advises on border seizing procedures, initiates and advises on criminal measures relating to product and brand piracy, and on the infringement of business and business secrets. Markus von Fuchs also advises many companies on developing and introducing new technologies and business models. He has particular expertise in the optical and medical technology sectors.
Studies: Regensburg, Salzburg, Düsseldorf
Lexology Index Germany 2025 world’s leading practitioner in the category Life Sciences
Handelsblatt in cooperation with Best Lawyers: Germany's best lawyers 2019–2024
Recommended lawyer in the category “Intellectual Property Law”
JUVE Handbook: German Commercial Law Firms 2019/2020, 2021/2022, 2022/2023, 2023/2024
Frequently recommended lawyer in the category “Trademark and Design Law / Competition Law” (2019-2023/2024)
Competitor about him: “very good trademark, but also competition lawyer” (2021/2022)
Client about him: “very high professional expertise in IP, always views problems in holistic terms” (2019/2020)
The Legal 500: Germany 2017, 2021-2024
Recommended lawyer in the category “Trademark Law” (2021-2024)
Recommended lawyer in the category “Trademark and Competition Law” (2017)
The Legal 500: EMEA 2022, 2024
Recommended lawyer in the category " Intellectual property: Trade marks" (2022/2024)
WWL: Germany – Life Sciences – Regulatory 2018 – 2024
Recommended lawyer
Markus von Fuchs is member of the GRUR (Vereinigung Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht), Förderverein der Technologiestiftung Berlin, APM-Aktionskreis gegen Produkt- und Markenpiraterie e.V. and INTA – International Trademark Association.