IT Contracts

One focus of our advice is the legal structuring and drafting of contracts, for instance for hardware, software development, and transfer.

One focus of our advice is the legal structuring and drafting of contracts, for instance for hardware, software development, and transfer. Using the experience and commitment of one of the largest teams of IT specialists and recognized contract experts, we draft and negotiate standard contracts and new contract designs for you, such as in multi-cloud environments or in agile projects. In cases where business practice is no longer reflected by the written contract, we also support our clients in solving critical project situations or IT contracts in crisis situations.

Our lawyers have played a key role in developing current market standards, such as the General Terms and Conditions recommended by BITKOM e. V. and the standard public-sector contracts for awarding IT services (EVB-IT). In addition, we are actively involved in training for IT law specialists and are prominent members I of industry association BITKOM e. V. and the German government’s Industry 4.0 platform.

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